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100% native experts​

perfect language expressions 

Personal Statement

We support undergraduate, post-graduate, Master’s and PhD applicants with expertly crafted statements for all universities, including Oxbridge, and for professionals seeking specialist support.

Our service offers thorough proof-reading and editing of your personal statement draft by professional writers. Our writers are experts at picking up on details, analysing content and cross-referencing. This means they can produce personal, accurate and quality statements for you.

Cover Letter

Universities see endless cover letters which are evidently copied and pasted. It is usually very clear, even to someone who is new to recruiting students, if a candidate has not properly looked at the course description or the particular areas a university’s lecturers and professors specialise in. 

We can support you to identify academic, professional and leisure-time examples from your life which prove your suitability for your chosen course. Then we will polish up your cover letter to perfection, ensuring that it is not only engaging but also tightly written with no mistakes. 

Letter of Recommendation

During the undergraduate application period in particular, you may find that your chosen referee is inundated with reference requests and unable to handle them all at once.

However, there is no need to despair. Our writers can draft a letter of recommendation for your referee to sign. We will ask all the necessary questions to find out as much about you as we can and ensure that it reflects you in the best light. You are more than a list of grades and your referee knows that, just like we do. We guarantee that we can write you a winning letter.

Internship Letter

Major companies and employers are swamped with applications from students seeking an internship. Even if your university has an agreement, the competition for high-quality work experience can be daunting for students. Writing an impactful and effective application letter can make all the difference.


Our team can offer guidance and support to pick out your own skills and make them relevant to the internship, as well as highlighting all the relevant information employers are looking for.

CV and Resume

In today’s competitive educational system, universities often receive hundreds or even thousands of applications for a course. Spelling and grammar errors or jumbled layouts can easily put them off immediately. The good news is you can make your CV top of the pile with our CV service.

We will create you a sparkling CV for any university application, which can also be used in future job applications. Whether you want to study history or horticulture, music or mathematics, we can help you to be the most impressive candidate you can be.


We offer over all of your translation needs: from simple document translation to customized localization solutions in over 10 languages and over 40 different areas of expertise.

We make sure returning every piece of work with high quality accuracy and fluency. 

Documents including academic essays and dissertations, reports, business materials and application documents.

Modern Architecture


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